Since Monday, 21 September 2020 basic health zones have been used in Madrid to impose restrictions on the population in the fight against Covid19. This came as a surprise to the local population - they knew the name of their zone from the name of their health centre but had no idea about what area is served by the health centre.

In this series of block posts I would like to explore the public data on the second wave of Covid19 infections in Madrid using Jupyter notebooks that run on Google Colab and non-proprietory software. You too can access the data, run these notebooks and explore the data yourself.

If you are interested graphical analysis of the Covid19 crisis, I recommend the work of Kiko Llaneras and the team at El País.

This introductory notebook locates polygon data for these basic health zones and the detailed maps showing the area each zone serves.

Libraries to install and import:

!pip install geopandas
!apt-get install poppler-utils 
!pip install pdf2image

import geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

from pdf2image import convert_from_path, convert_from_bytes
from pdf2image.exceptions import (PDFInfoNotInstalledError,PDFPageCountError,PDFSyntaxError)
from PIL import Image

Introduction to 'Zonas Básicas de Salud' in the 'Comunidad de Madrid'

The Comunidad de Madrid provides polygon data of the basic health zones as 'shape' files.

These can be read using geopandas.

División territorial en zonas básicas de salud de la Comunidad de Madrid

codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry
0 001 30748 Abrantes POLYGON ((439068.758 4470731.661, 439076.433 4...
1 002 19432 Acacias POLYGON ((439924.930 4472798.281, 439928.742 4...
2 003 29168 Adelfas POLYGON ((443455.718 4472836.724, 443412.985 4...
3 004 21274 Alameda POLYGON ((440659.754 4473778.401, 440665.227 4...
4 005 29001 Alameda de Osuna POLYGON ((452408.138 4484644.700, 452415.138 4...
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 286 entries, 0 to 285
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------      --------------  -----   
 0   codigo_geo  286 non-null    object  
 1   pob_pad19   286 non-null    int64   
 2   zona_basic  286 non-null    object  
 3   geometry    286 non-null    geometry
dtypes: geometry(1), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 9.1+ KB
plt.title('Distribution of population by areas')
plt.ylabel('Number of areas')
count 286.000000
mean 23298.580420
std 9935.956169
min 2636.000000
25% 16702.250000
50% 21829.000000
75% 28164.250000
max 63789.000000
codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry
221 222 2636 Rascafría POLYGON ((436250.375 4539098.529, 436255.925 4...
codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry
158 159 63789 Mar Báltico POLYGON ((447970.223 4484559.958, 447972.423 4...

There are 286 basic health zones, with an average population of around 23_000 people: the Rascafría area has only 2_636 people; the Mar Báltico area has 63_789 people.

df["area_sq_km"] = df['geometry'].area/1_000_000
df['pob_densidad_sq_km'] = df.pob_pad19/df.area_sq_km
codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry area_sq_km pob_densidad_sq_km
0 001 30748 Abrantes POLYGON ((439068.758 4470731.661, 439076.433 4... 1.572304 19556.009302
1 002 19432 Acacias POLYGON ((439924.930 4472798.281, 439928.742 4... 0.774111 25102.351889
2 003 29168 Adelfas POLYGON ((443455.718 4472836.724, 443412.985 4... 0.852828 34201.514571
3 004 21274 Alameda POLYGON ((440659.754 4473778.401, 440665.227 4... 0.545204 39020.288131
4 005 29001 Alameda de Osuna POLYGON ((452408.138 4484644.700, 452415.138 4... 35.137286 825.362547
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(12,6))

df.plot(ax=ax1, column=df.pob_pad19, cmap='Reds', legend=True)
df.plot(ax=ax1, color='white', edgecolor='grey', alpha=0.1)
ax1.set_title('Total population\n by basic health area')

df.plot(ax=ax2, column=df.pob_densidad_sq_km, cmap='Reds', legend=True)
df.plot(ax=ax2, color='white', edgecolor='grey', alpha=0.1)
ax2.set_title('Population density\n by basic health area')
codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry area_sq_km pob_densidad_sq_km
221 222 2636 Rascafría POLYGON ((436250.375 4539098.529, 436255.925 4... 258.120579 10.212281
codigo_geo pob_pad19 zona_basic geometry area_sq_km pob_densidad_sq_km
160 161 17331 Martín de Vargas POLYGON ((440449.700 4472841.620, 440459.695 4... 0.307034 56446.431071
print(f'The Madrid region has an area of {int(df.area.sum()/1000000)} sq km, a population of {df.pob_pad19.sum()} \
and a population density of {int(1000000*df.pob_pad19.sum()/df.area.sum())} people per sq km.')
The Madrid region has an area of 8025 sq km, a population of 6663394 and a population density of 830 people per sq km.

Rascafría has a population density of only 10 people per sq km; Martín de Vargas has a population of 56_446 people per sq km.

Detailed maps are provided for each zone

  • List of zones:

Mapas de Zonas Básicas de Salud del Área Única de la Comunidad de Madrid

  • Individual maps:

(maps have been downloaded and stored in ./maps/...)

Conversion of maps from .pdf to .jpg:
