import pandas as pd
import re

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import plotnine
from plotnine import *

import warnings

On 3rd October 2020, the official account of the regional authority of Madrid put out a series of tweets under the ending The good data in Madrid continues. Here we will attempt to reproduce the first graphic and statistics and reflect if this communicates an appropriate message.

This has also been covered by El Diario ¿Está Madrid realmente doblegando la curva? Los datos que no muestran los tuits triunfalistas de Ayuso

'La evolución de los casos diagnosticados durante la semana de 21 al 27 de septiembre es un 25% inferior a los de la semana del 14 al 20 de septiembre.'

'The evolution of the cases diagnosed during the week of September 21 to 27 is 25% lower than those of the week of September 14 to 20.'

The graph includes the annotation of -24.6%. The first challenge is to generate this statistic.

def find_statistic(date,a,b):
  return print('report {}, total week 1: {}, total week 2: {}, % change: {}'.format(date,sum(a),sum(b),100*(-1+sum(b)/sum(a))))
find_statistic('El Diario', [26781], [20206])
report El Diario, total week 1: 26781, total week 2: 20206, % change: -24.550987640491396

Daily reports from the regional health authority

From the daily report from the regional authority for 2 October 2020, the cases diagnosed for these two weeks were

find_statistic('2 Oct',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 2 Oct, total week 1: 27060, total week 2: 21103, % change: -22.0140428677014

Let's have a look at earlier reports and see if we can get closer to -24.6%.

find_statistic('1 Oct',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 1 Oct, total week 1: 26977, total week 2: 20990, % change: -22.192979204507544
find_statistic('30 Sept',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 30 Sept, total week 1: 26913, total week 2: 20668, % change: -23.20439936090365
find_statistic('29 Sept',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 29 Sept, total week 1: 26739, total week 2: 19724, % change: -26.235087325629237
find_statistic('28 Sept',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 28 Sept, total week 1: 26659, total week 2: 17788, % change: -33.27581679732923

The variation in the percentage change is due to the series for the daily figures changing as the information is backfilled. The daily reports of cases confirmed by PCR are updated as new cases are notified. They are allocated to the date on which the test was taken.

Casos positivos de Covid-19 confirmados por PCR

La Comunidad de Madrid consolida diariamente la serie de casos confirmados por PCR, asignando a los casos nuevos notificados la fecha en la que se toma la muestra. Se realiza una actualización diaria de la serie de casos que se adjunta.

Looking at the latest date:

find_statistic('6 Oct',sept_14_20,sept_21_27)
report 6 Oct, total week 1: 27183, total week 2: 21354, % change: -21.443549277121733

Based on the regional authorities latest daily figures the % change between the two weeks is -21.4%. Falling from 27_183 positive PCRs to 21_354 positive PCRs in a week.

plt.xlabel('date of report')
plt.ylabel('% change total week on week')
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.title('Compare week 14-20 Sept. to 21-27 Sept.');

Weekly reports from the regional health authority

Table 1 of the weekly epidemiological report for week 39 (provisional data) contains data similar to that shown in the tweet.

Week 36 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39
Dates 31-08 - 06-09 07-09 - 13-09 14-09 - 20-09 21-09 - 27-09
Total 19665 24402 28685 21981
Change 1,24 1,18 0,77
find_statistic('Weekly epidemiological',[28685],[21981]) 
# Week 39 provisional data
report Weekly epidemiological, total week 1: 28685, total week 2: 21981, % change: -23.371099877985014

Let's look at the weekly data provided by the regional authority for municipalities and districts.

munis_df=pd.read_csv('./fastpages/covid19_tia_muni_y_distritos_s.csv', delimiter=';', encoding='latin')
munis_df.fecha_informe=munis_df.fecha_informe.apply(lambda x: x[5:10])
municipio_distrito fecha_informe casos_confirmados_totales
0 Madrid-Retiro 09/29 3940
1 Madrid-Salamanca 09/29 4770
2 Madrid-Centro 09/29 4820
3 Madrid-Arganzuela 09/29 5293
4 Madrid-Chamartín 09/29 4543
df_casos=munis_df[['municipio_distrito','fecha_informe','casos_confirmados_totales']].pivot(index='municipio_distrito', columns='fecha_informe', values='casos_confirmados_totales')
df_casos.sort_values('09/29', ascending=False).head(5)
fecha_informe 05/26 06/02 06/09 06/16 06/23 06/30 07/07 07/14 07/21 07/28 08/04 08/11 08/18 08/25 09/01 09/08 09/15 09/22 09/29
Madrid-Puente de Vallecas 3150 3199 3242 3279 3328 3344 3382 3424 3454 3523 3668 3997 4847 6190 7575 9033 10834 12628 14397
Madrid-Carabanchel 2798 2848 2883 2910 2943 2959 2991 3039 3073 3124 3293 3689 4442 5272 6289 7570 8840 10356 11656
Madrid-Ciudad Lineal 2315 2339 2373 2394 2406 2436 2480 2514 2542 2573 2663 2871 3233 3813 4559 5345 6569 7702 8527
Madrid-Latina 2890 2946 2982 3018 3055 3086 3104 3129 3166 3233 3344 3585 3995 4351 4777 5572 6189 7300 8202
Fuenlabrada 1626 1645 1659 1682 1699 1716 1733 1744 1783 1841 1957 2171 2663 3168 3960 4580 5608 6651 7703
find_statistic('weekly_report', [sum(df_casos.iloc[:,-2]-df_casos.iloc[:,-3])],[sum(df_casos.iloc[:,-1]-df_casos.iloc[:,-2])])
report weekly_report, total week 1: 29316, total week 2: 28164, % change: -3.9295947605403225
weekly_new_cases=[sum(df_casos.iloc[:,-i]-df_casos.iloc[:,(-i-1)]) for i in range(1,11)][::-1]; weekly_new_cases
[1311, 2835, 5586, 10549, 14681, 17299, 20086, 24374, 29316, 28164]
weekly_pct_change=[100*(-1+weekly_new_cases[i+1]/weekly_new_cases[i]) for i in range(1,len(weekly_new_cases)-1)];weekly_pct_change

It's not clear to me why working with the weekly municipality data there is only a 4% fall in the last week in the number of cases, far from the 25% we are looking for.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))[-10:],weekly_new_cases)
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.title('cases added in previous week\nbased on report of 29/09/2020');

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,6))
plt.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='y')
plt.ylabel('% change')
plt.title('change in number of new cases added weekly');

More on the daily reports from the regional health authority

daily_df=pd.read_excel('./fastpages/CAM_casos_diarios.xlsx', skipfooter=18).rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0':'fecha'})
# Excel created by hand from the daily pdf reports
80    257145.0
81    257849.0
82    258102.0
83    259322.0
84         NaN
Name: cumul_casos_201006, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))[:-1],daily_df.casos_201006[:-1])
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.title('cases added daily');
daily_df.fecha=daily_df.fecha.apply(lambda x: str(x)[5:10])
fecha percent_change
0 07-14 0.000000
7 07-21 0.000000
14 07-28 66.260658
21 08-04 88.095238
28 08-11 64.323272
35 08-18 56.399621
42 08-25 31.090399
49 09-01 3.849711
56 09-08 13.163754
63 09-15 25.689833
70 09-22 2.038820
77 09-29 -23.604986
84 10-06 -100.000000

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))[1:-1],weekly_df.cases_added[1:-1])
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.ylabel('new cases')
plt.title('cases added weekly');

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,6))
plt.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='y')
plt.ylabel('% change')
plt.title('change in number of new cases added weekly');

Using the daily reports we get close to reproducing the graphic tweeted out. This graphic shows the percentage change between the total number of new cases in one week compared to the previous week. It is a measure of change but in this context is very misleading.

A simple bar chart shows not only the change in the number of cases but also the magnitude of the problem. If cases double in a week from 100 to 200 the change is 100% but you have some possibility of tracing the contacts of 200 people. Once you have 25_000 new cases in a week, even if there are 'only' 25_000 new cases the following week (so 0% change) you have a major problem.

Hospital data since September

With the number of new daily cases there should be a fall in the number of people hospitalized, although with a time lag. Is this already a pattern?

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))
plt.scatter(daily_df.fecha, daily_df.uci)
plt.ylabel('number of people in intensive care')
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.title('People in Intensive Care');

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))
plt.scatter(daily_df.fecha, daily_df.hospitalizados)
# get rid of the frame
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
plt.ylabel('number of people in hospital')
plt.title('People in Hospital');

Going in the right direction!